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Macromol. Symp., Vol. 131, 1998, pp. 1 - 182
7th International Symposium on Macromolecule-Metal Complexes

Symposium Editor, Willem L. Driessen
Editor-in-Chief, Hartwig Hocker
Editors, W. Guth, B. Jung, I. Meisel, and S. Spiegel
Wiley-VCH (1998), pp. 1-182
ISBN 3-85739-328-9.


It is a real pleasure to me to present this issue of Macromolecular Symposia, which contains almost all invited papers presented at the Seventh International Symposium on Macromolecule - Metal Complexes hosted in The Netherlands in 1997. These symposia have been held every other year since 1985 in various locations all over the world.

It is also a pleasure to conclude that the meeting again did attract a large number of distinguished scientists from all parts of the world, covering a large variety of research topics within the macromolecule-metal framework. It is to be expected that all readers, including our participants, will enjoy reading the present issue of Macromolecular Symposia.

The meeting as a whole has been very successful. It has been a stimulating venue for continuing collaboration and future work. It is our sincere hope that this issue will further contribute to stimulate, to set up, to continue, or to intensify international collaborations in this important research field.

On behalf of the National Organizing Committee and the International Scientific Advisory Group

Willem L. Driessen
secretary and editor of MMC-7

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